May 13, 2021
10 award-winning sneakers for walking, running and training
Thanks to the warmer weather, we’re all spending a bit more time outside lately. As we’re all hitting the pavement for spring, consider this the perfect opportunity to invest in a new pair of sneakers.To buy more NIKE FREE 3.0 with cheap price, you can visit official website.
Whether running (literally) around town or just running errands, a new springtime pair of sneakers could be just the thing to put an extra pep in your step. For help selecting the best pair, TODAY turned to the editors of Women’s Health and their annual Sneaker Awards.
To select the best sneakers of the year, editors put dozens upon dozens of soles through personal sweat tests to discover their favorites. In addition, they surveyed 20 of the country’s top female trainers to find out their go-to shoes.
Scroll through to discover 10 of the comfiest, most fashionable and highest performing sneakers out on the market today.If you’re looking for a sneaker made from natural ingredients, look to Allbirds. This Tree Runners style is the most popular among the brand’s fans and is made from sustainably sourced eucalyptus. It’s designed to be a light and breezy sneaker that won’t weigh you down. But if you wear them to sweat, you can easily throw them right in the washing machine.
If you’re looking for walking shoes with a bit of athletic support, Women’s Health loves this style from Skechers. They’re meant to be supremely comfortable, thanks to a cushioned midsole designed to help provide extra natural momentum with each step. The style comes in a wide array of colors and is available for both women and men. Plus — they’re machine washable.
Hoka’s Cavu shoe has gone through three different upgrades to arrive at this latest version. These shoes will help stabilize your foot when working hard in the gym but is lightweight enough to wear when running errands. Hoka’s designers paid particular focus to the sneaker’s midsole to help propel you forward with each step and make it easier to transition from walk to run.
Posted by: wisepowder at
12:43 PM
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  1) Terburu-buru dalam perdagangan di awal: Hal ini dapat menyebabkan perdagangan yang berlebihan atau penggunaan leverage yang berlebihan, sehingga menyebabkan kerugian. Harap diingat bahwa menghasilkan keuntungan 100% tidak mungkin dalam perdagangan. Karena itu, perlu bergaul dengan baik dengan pasar dan menerima ketidakpastian hasil.
  2) Tutup transaksi secara manual: Beberapa trader menyanjung diri mereka sendiri bahwa mereka dapat memprediksi tren pasar, menutup transaksi normal hanya dimasukkan setelah pasar sedikit menyimpang dari tren, yang tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa selain mengurangi peluang yang menguntungkan!
  3) Menyerahkan rencana perdagangan di tengah jalan: Dimotivasi oleh keuntungan, beberapa tidak sabar dalam perdagangan valas, melakukan transaksi dengan mentalitas penjudi sambil melupakan rencana dan taktik perdagangan mereka yang dirangkum dengan kerja keras dan kerja keras.
  Namun, melanjutkan dari objektivitas pasar, perdagangan yang sukses hanya dapat dilakukan dengan mempertahankan status ideal sebanyak mungkin sebelum dan selama perdagangan. Jika Anda telah membuat kesalahan semacam ini, Anda sangat disarankan di sini untuk sering-sering melihat catatan perdagangan, melacak dan belajar dari transaksi, dan bersikeras pada taktik Anda di akhir!
  Sebagai pengingat, Anda hanya dapat menghasilkan uang jika Anda tetap tenang sepanjang waktu dan menggunakan pendekatan yang tepat untuk mengelola risiko, mengontrol akun perdagangan, dan membentuk taktik perdagangan!
  Unduh WikiFX untuk mendapatkan pelajaran dari para ahli yang telah berdagang valas selama lebih dari 20 tahun. (Tautan unduhan)
Posted by: wisepowder at
12:35 PM
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Post contains 258 words, total size 2 kb.
  (1) PinBar
  Ini adalah bentuk yang menampilkan struktur mirip hidung dengan langit-langit atau harga dasar yang menonjol, situasi di mana harga pembukaan mendekati harga penutupan.
  "Hidung†ke atas yang dilihat oleh PinBar adalah indikasi pembalikan tren yang akan datang bersama dengan penurunan harga, yang menandai waktu untuk melakukan short.
  (2) OutsideBar
  Ini menunjukkan bahwa harga akan terus berubah ke arah yang sama.
  Ini adalah waktu untuk mengambil posisi beli setelah kenaikan harga dan OutsideBar bullish.
  (3) InsideBar
  Baik harga pembukaan maupun penutupan grafik batang tidak melebihi harga sebelumnya.
  Sekelompok InsideBar adalah indikator konsolidasi pasar yang sedang berlangsung, dan harga dapat merangkul penembusan ke arah tertentu.
  Sinyal InsideBar sangat kuat. Lebih banyak strip terjadi, InsideBar lebih andal.
  (4) Penembusan Palsu
  Ini mengacu pada penembusan harga yang diuji dengan penurunan pasar yang cepat yang menampilkan penghentian tren setelah penembusan. Formulir ini menunjukkan titik balik penting di pasar yang dapat menimbulkan beberapa perubahan besar.
  Semua yang disebutkan di atas hanyalah bagian dari Price Action tetapi cukup bagi Anda untuk memulai perdagangan!
  Unduh WikiFX untuk mendapatkan pelajaran dari para ahli yang telah berdagang valas selama lebih dari 20 tahun. (Tautan unduhan)
Posted by: wisepowder at
12:29 PM
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Post contains 256 words, total size 2 kb.
  A menudo, los precios se mueven debido a los indicadores económicos. Estos indicadores son puntos de datos que rastrean varios sectores dentro de una economÃa.
  Algunos ejemplos comunes serÃan el PIB, el IPC o las cifras de empleo . Todos estos puntos de datos pintan una imagen de la salud general de una economÃa.
  Hay literalmente cientos de puntos de datos publicados semanalmente. Algunos de estos indicadores económicos son más importantes que otros.
  Los comerciantes deben realizar un seguimiento de estos puntos de datos. Además, también necesitan saber cuáles son importantes.
  La buena noticia es que hay herramientas disponibles para ayudarnos con esto. Se llaman Calendarios financieros.
  En este artÃculo discutiremos los siguientes puntos:
  • ¿Por qué es importante realizar un seguimiento de los indicadores económicos?
  • ¿Qué es un Calendario financiero?
  • Cómo ver cuándo ocurren los eventos económicos
  • Cómo saber qué eventos económicos son importantes
  • Evaluar lo que los mercados esperan de los eventos económicos.
  • Poniéndolo todo junto
  ¿Por qué es importante realizar un seguimiento de los indicadores económicos?
  Los principiantes a menudo se preguntan si los puntos de datos de seguimiento son necesarios. Comprender quién usa estos indicadores generalmente aclara esta pregunta.
  Las instituciones más importantes de los mercados financieros son los Bancos Centrales . Según el BCE , los bancos centrales administran la moneda y la oferta monetaria de un paÃs.
  Esto significa que son responsables de establecer la polÃtica monetaria. Cada ciclo económico de una economÃa requiere polÃticas diferentes .
  El componente clave utilizado en la polÃtica monetaria es la gestión de las tasas de interés . Los bancos centrales aumentan y reducen las tasas de interés en función de la salud de la economÃa.
  Cuando una economÃa está en auge, los bancos centrales suelen subir las tasas de interés. En contraste, una economÃa en recesión generalmente requiere que los bancos centrales reduzcan las tasas.
  Las tasas de interés son un factor importante a la hora de determinar los valores de las divisas . En consecuencia, hace que la polÃtica monetaria sea muy importante para los operadores de divisas.
  Entonces, ¿cómo miden los bancos centrales qué polÃtica monetaria es la adecuada? Lo hacen evaluando los indicadores económicos de su economÃa.
  Los comerciantes conocen el impacto que las tasas de interés pueden tener en los valores de las divisas. Por lo tanto, intentan anticipar cambios futuros de polÃtica monetaria.
  Hacer un seguimiento de los indicadores económicos es una parte esencial de este proceso.
Posted by: wisepowder at
12:20 PM
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Post contains 453 words, total size 4 kb.
  2.é è¦æ醒ä¸å®¹å¿½è¦–。雖然有些平å°å·²ç¶“被外匯天眼判定為黑平å°ï¼Œä½†é‚„是有人上當å—é¨™ï¼Œé€™èªªæ˜Žäº†ä»€éº¼ï¼Ÿèªªæ˜Žéƒ¨åˆ†æŠ•è³‡äººé‚„æ˜¯è€³æ ¹å軟,抱有僥倖心ç†ã€‚在黑平å°çš„花言巧語é¢å‰ï¼Œå¤±åŽ»äº†ç†æ€§åˆ¤æ–·ï¼ŒæŠŠé€™äº›è¦ç¤ºå…¨éƒ½æ‹‹ä¹‹è…¦å¾Œã€‚
  3.監管,是安全投資的第一é“ä¿è·å±ã€‚在上é¢é€™22家ä¸ï¼Œ16家平å°æ²’有實際有效的外匯監管,其ä¸è¿‘一åŠçš„å¹³å°é‚„是最近剛出ç¾çš„,有些則是被檢舉之後立馬"æ›æ®¼â€ç¹¼çºŒè¡Œé¨™ã€‚å› ç‚ºå°è©é¨™åœ˜å¤¥è€Œè¨€ï¼Œä»–們的主è¦ç›®æ¨™å°±æ˜¯é‚£äº›å°å¤–匯一竅ä¸é€šçš„新手å°ç™½ã€‚比起在監管牌照上下功夫,他們更願æ„è£½é€ ã€è®Šæ›´è™›å‡å¤–匯投資網站。
  雖然沒有絕å°çš„完美,但那些在本質上已經有å•é¡Œçš„無監管平å°ï¼Œä¸€å®šè¦é 離,"監管â€äºŒå—真ä¸åªæ˜¯èªªèªªè€Œå·²ï¼
Posted by: wisepowder at
10:33 AM
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Post contains 18 words, total size 3 kb.
  Как пишет издание Bloomberg, неизвеÑтные, Ñ Ñ†ÐµÐ»ÑŒÑŽ обмануть учаÑтников форума и получить деньги, иÑпользовали фейковую продажу токенов через Telegram аккаунт «WallStreetBets – Crypto Pumps» или WallStreetBets – пампы криптовалют. Как извеÑтно, памп – Ñто иÑкуÑÑтвенный роÑÑ‚ актива, а в качеÑтве Ñркого примера пампа можно назвать позитивную динамику Dogecoin поÑле того, как Илон МаÑк в Ñвоем микроблоге упомÑнул о ней.
  УчаÑтники данного аккаунта были уверены в том, что Ñ ÐµÐµ помощью они получат информацию о предÑтоÑщих пампах на крипторынке.
  В определенный момент инвеÑторам предложили купить токены WSB Finance до официального лиÑтинга цифрового актива на торговых платформах. По Ñловам мошенников, Ñхема была такова:
  1. ИнвеÑторы покупают премайненные WSB Finance.
  2. Ð’ момент лиÑтинга WSB Finance ÐºÑƒÑ€Ñ ÐºÑ€Ð¸Ð¿Ñ‚Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð»ÑŽÑ‚Ñ‹ выходит в роÑÑ‚.
  3. Ðа фоне позитивного Ð´Ð²Ð¸Ð¶ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ WSB Finance, инвеÑторы Ñмогут выгодно продать цифровой актив.
  Мошенники продавали криптовалюту за Binance Coin (BNB) и Ethereum (ETH). ПоÑле того, как покупатели переводили деньги, им предлагали перейти в бот Telegram, чтобы получить WSB Finance.
  В один из моментов мошенники заÑвили о наличии техничеÑких проблем, из-за которых они, по-видимому, не могут перевеÑти криптовалюту. ИнвеÑторам предложили повторно отправить такую же Ñумму цифровых активов, что они ранее уже заплатили. Ð’ противном Ñлучае мошенники пригрозили потерей первоначальных вложений.
  Bloomberg опубликовал Ñкрины, где видны вÑе вышеперечиÑленные пункты. Издание подчеркнуло, что мошенники Ñмогли получить, как минимум, $2.1 млн..
  Ðе извеÑтно, Ñколько Ethereum инвеÑторы передали мошенникам.
  ВÑкоре, мошенники перевели активы Ñ Ð°Ð´Ñ€ÐµÑов, на которые пользователи Ñкидывали крипту, а телеграм-канал на момент напиÑÐ°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ñтатьи был удален.
  Будьте оÑторожны и пользуйтеÑÑŒ только проверенными иÑточниками. Скачивайте приложение WikiFX, чтобы также не попаÑÑ‚ÑŒÑÑ Ð½Ð° удочку мошенников.
Posted by: wisepowder at
10:23 AM
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Post contains 289 words, total size 7 kb.
  1. Dami at lokasyon ng MT4 server
  1) Ang mga server ng MT4 ng higanteng mga broker ng Forex ay madalas na matatagpuan sa U.S. o sa U.K., na sinusundan ng mga estado ng miyembro ng EU o Singapore.
  2) Ang dami ng mga opisyal na server ng MT4 sa pangkalahatan ay higit sa tatlo.
  2. Mga impluwensya ng distansya mula sa mga server sa Forex trading
  Ang mas maikli ang distansya mula sa mga server ay, mas mabilis ang pagpapatupad ng kalakalan. Ang mga order sa pangangalakal ay kailangang ilipat sa mga server para sa pagproseso kapag nagawa na ito, na humahantong sa sitwasyon kung saan ang oras ng pagpapatupad ay dapat na maapektuhan ng distansya mula sa mga server, na hindi maiiwasan ang pagkaantala.
  3. Data processing center ng mga server ng MT4
  Maaari nitong malutas ang pagkaantala na nabanggit sa itaas. Bilang isang proxy server, nai-save ng sentro ng pagproseso ng data ang oras ng pagkonekta sa pagitan ng mga kliyente at pangunahing mga server, na kinumpleto ang pagproseso ng order sa isang direktang pamamaraan. Samakatuwid, ang kahusayan sa trabaho ng mga server ng MT4 ay maaaring mapahusay.
  Bilang karagdagan, gumagana pa rin ang sentro na ito upang palakasin ang proteksyon sa pangangalakal kung papasok ang pangunahing mga server.
  Maaari kang magtanong sa mga Forex broker tungkol sa paraan ng kanilang pag-set up ng kanilang mga server at mga sentro ng pagproseso ng data, sa gayon makikilala kung maaasahan sila batay sa impormasyong ito!  Ang WikiFX, isang kagamitan para sa paghahanap ng impormasyon ng mga Forex broker, ay tanyag sa mga pandaigdigang nakatatandang namumuhunan!
Posted by: wisepowder at
10:11 AM
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Post contains 341 words, total size 2 kb.
  Price action can give traders of all financial markets clues to trend and reversals. For example, groups of candlesticks can form patterns which occur throughout forex charts that could indicate reversals or continuation of trends. Candlesticks can also form individual formations which could indicate buy or sell entries in the market.
  The period that each candle depicts depends on the time-frame chosen by the trader. A popular time-frame is the daily time-frame, so the candle will depict the open, close, and high and low for the day. The different components of a candle can help you forecast where the price might go, for instance if a candle closes far below its open it may indicate further price declines.
  The image below represents the design of a typical candlestick. There are three specific points (open, close, wicks) used in the creation of a price candle. The first points to consider are the candles open and close prices. These points identify where the price of an asset begins and concludes for a selected period and will construct the body of a candle. Each candle depicts the price movement for a certain period that you choose when you look at the chart. If you are looking at a daily chart each individual candle will display the open, close, upper and lower wick of that day.
The open price depicts the first price traded during the formation of the new candle. If the price starts to trend upwards the candle will turn green/blue (colors vary depending on chart settings). If the price declines the candle will turn red.
  High Price:
  The top of the upper wick/shadow indicates the highest price traded during the period. If there is no upper wick/shadow it means that the open price or the close price was the highest price traded.
  Low Price:
  The lowest price traded is the either the price at the bottom of the lower wick/shadow and if there is no lower wick/shadow then the lowest price traded is the same as the close price or open price in a bullish candle.
  Close Price:
  The close price is the last price traded during the period of the candle formation. If the close price is below the open price the candle will turn red as a default in most charting packages. If the close price is above the open price the candle will be green/blue (also depends on the chart settings).
  The Wick:
  The next important element of a candlestick is the wick, which is also referred to as a ‘shadow’. These points are vital as they show the extremes in price for a specific charting period. The wicks are quickly identifiable as they are visually thinner than the body of the candlestick. This is where the strength of candlesticks becomes apparent. Candlesticks can help traders keep our eye on market momentum and away from the static of price extremes.
  The direction of the price is indicated by the color of the candlestick. If the price of the candle is closing above the opening price of the candle, then the price is moving upwards and the candle would be green (the color of the candle depends on the chart settings). If the candle is red, then the price closed below the open.
  The difference between the highest and lowest price of a candle is its range. You can calculate this by taking the price at the top of the upper wick and subtracting it from the price at the bottom of the lower wick. (Range = highest point – lowest point).
  Having this knowledge of a candle, and what the points indicate, means traders using a candlestick chart have a clear advantage when it comes to distinguishing trendlines, price patterns and Elliot waves.
  Bar Chart vs Candlestick Chart
  As you can see from the image below, candlestick charts offer a distinct advantage over bar charts. Bar charts are not as visual as candle charts and nor are the candle formations or price patterns. Also, the bars on the bar chart make it difficult to visualize which direction the price moved.
Posted by: wisepowder at
10:01 AM
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Post contains 758 words, total size 5 kb.
コツコツドカンã¯ãªãœèµ·ã“ã‚‹ã®ã‹ã€‚æå°åˆ©å¤§ã®æŠ•è³‡ã‚¹ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ«ã‚’築ã„ã¦ã€å¤§è² ã‘ã—マーケットã‹ã‚‰é€€å ´ã™ã‚‹ã®ã¯ã‚‚ã†ã‚„ã‚ã«ã—ã¾ã›ã‚“ã‹ï¼ŸTo get more news about Fxåˆå¿ƒè€…, you can visit official website.
  ã‚る日大ããªæ失をã ã™ï¼ˆãƒ‰ã‚«ãƒ³ï¼‰ã“ã¨ã‚’指ã—ã¾ã™ã€‚
  ã“ã®ã‚³ãƒ„コツドカンãŒã€ãƒžãƒ¼ã‚±ãƒƒãƒˆã§å¤§è² ã‘ã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã†å¤§ããªåŽŸå› ã¨ãªã£ã¦ã„ã¾ã™ã®ã§
  発生ã®ãƒ¡ã‚«ãƒ‹ã‚ºãƒ ã¨é˜²ãŽæ–¹ã‚’以下ã§è§£èª¬ã—ã¦ã„ãã¾ã™ã€‚
  ãã®ä¸Šã§ã€ã”自身ã®ãƒˆãƒ¬ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ãŒâ‘ ãªã®ã‹â‘¡ãªã®ã‹ã‚’確èªã—ã¦ã¿ã¾ã—ょã†ã€‚
  ã‚ãªãŸã®ã‚±ãƒ¼ã‚¹ã¯â‘ â‘¡ã®ã©ã¡ã‚‰ã ã£ãŸã§ã—ょã†ã‹ï¼Ÿ
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  今ã®æ‰€ã¯è‡ªåˆ†ãŒã‚³ãƒ„コツドカン型ã®æŠ•è³‡ã‚’ã—ã¦ã—ã¾ã†ã‚¿ã‚¤ãƒ—ã ã¨èªè˜ã—ã¦é ‚ã‘ã‚Œã°çµæ§‹ã§ã™ã€‚
  ãŸã ã€çš†ã•ã‚“ã«çµ±è¨ˆå¦ã‚’勉強ã—ã¦ä¸‹ã•ã„ã¨è¨€ã£ã¦ã„ã‚‹ã®ã§ã¯ãªã„点ã¯ã”ç†è§£ä¸‹ã•ã„。
  平å‡æ失ï¼å…¨ãƒˆãƒ¬ãƒ¼ãƒ‰ã®ã†ã¡ã€è² ã‘トレードã®æ失をåˆè¨ˆã—ã€è² ã‘トレード数ã§å‰²ã£ãŸã‚‚ã®ã€‚
Posted by: wisepowder at
09:51 AM
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Post contains 50 words, total size 7 kb.
  "Perlambatan tersebut terjadi pada seluruh komponennya yaitu uang beredar sempit (M1), uang kuasi, dan surat berharga selain saham. Pertumbuhan M1 pada Maret 2021 sebesar 10,8% (yoy), lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan bulan sebelumnya sebesar 18,6% (yoy). Pertumbuhan uang kuasi juga melambat, dari sebesar 9,2% (yoy) pada bulan sebelumnya menjadi 5,9% (yoy) pada Maret 2021. Perlambatan uang beredar pada Maret 2021 turut dipengaruhi oleh realisasi tahun sebelumnya (base effect) berupa tingginya pertumbuhan pada Maret 2020 sebesar 12,1%,†demikian rilis Departemen Komunikasi Bank Indonesia, Jumat ini (23/4).
  Berdasarkan faktor yang memengaruhi, perlambatan M2 pada Maret 2021 terutama dipengaruhi oleh perlambatan aktiva luar negeri bersih, perlambatan tagihan bersih kepada Pemerintah Pusat, serta penurunan kredit. Pertumbuhan aktiva luar negeri bersih sebesar 7,9% (yoy), melambat dibandingkan dengan pertumbuhan pada Februari 2021 sebesar 11,5% (yoy).
  Demikian pula pertumbuhan tagihan bersih kepada Pemerintah Pusat sebesar 42,0% (yoy), lebih rendah dari capaian bulan sebelumnya sebesar 50,8% (yoy). Selain itu, pertumbuhan kredit terkontraksi 4,0% (yoy), lebih dalam dari kontraksi 2,3% (yoy) pada Februari 2021.
  Analis Vibiz Research Center melihat bahwa pertumbuhan uang beredar di Maret 2021 ikut dipengaruhi oleh terus meningkatnya mobilitas masyarakat di tengah lancarnya distribusi vaksinasi dan adaptasi kebiasaan baru (AKB). Meskipun masih lebih lambat pertumbuhannya dari bulan sebelumnya, likuiditas perekonomian tetap dapat dikategorikan tinggi menunjukkan aktivitas ekonomi yang semakin berputar. Ke depannya, dengan membaiknya perkembangan penanganan Covid-19 di negeri kita, kita harapkan akan berlanjut juga peningkatan pertumbuhan uang beredar berikutnya.
Posted by: wisepowder at
09:21 AM
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Post contains 295 words, total size 2 kb.
  1. Cháy tà i khoản Forex là gì?
  Cháy tà i khoản forex là thuáºt ngữ chuyên dùng trong Forex dùng để chỉ tình trạng tà i khoản của bạn bị âm, thua lá»— và "bốc hÆ¡i†hoà n toà n chỉ vì bạn phạm phải má»™t lá»—i giao dịch nà o đó. Äây là ná»—i ám ảnh mà không má»™t trader nà o muốn gặp phải khi tham gia đầu tÆ° và o thị trÆ°á»ng ngoại hối.
  2. Những nguyên nhân dẫn đến cháy tà i khoản
  2.1 Giao dịch với khối lượng quá lớn
  Má»™t trong những nguyên nhân dẫn đến tình trạng cháy tà i khoản giao dịch đó là giao dịch vá»›i khối lượng quá lá»›n. Việc và o lệnh vá»›i số lot quá lá»›n và không phù hợp là tình trạng thÆ°á»ng thấy ở nhiá»u trader. Äây là má»™t cách đầu tÆ° may rủi và không được khuyến khÃch. Bởi nếu thị trÆ°á»ng diá»…n biến đúng nhÆ° kế hoạch của bạn thì bạn có thể thắng Ä‘áºm và mang vá» kết quả vượt mong đợi. Tuy nhiên, chẳng may thị trÆ°á»ng Ä‘i ngược lại vá»›i dá»± Ä‘oán thì lúc ấy bạn sẽ không thể nà o trở tay kịp. Nếu tà i khoản của bạn nhá» nhÆ°ng bạn lại và o lệnh vá»›i số lot quá lá»›n, tà i khoản của bạn có thể sẽ bị "bốc hÆ¡i†khi thị trÆ°á»ng biến Ä‘á»™ng mạnh. Có má»™t và i trÆ°á»ng hợp do giá chạy quá nhanh, bạn sẽ chẳng kịp nháºn ra tiá»n của bạn đã bị cháy sạch từ lúc nà o. Lúc nà y, việc bạn ôm đầu tiếc nuối thá»±c sá»± đã quá muá»™n mà ng.
  2.2 Gồng lỗ
  Äây cÅ©ng là má»™t trong những nguyên nhân thÆ°á»ng gặp nhất ở các trader. Khi thá»±c hiện giao dịch và biến Ä‘á»™ng giá Ä‘i ngược lại vá»›i dá»± Ä‘oán, hay vì thá»±c hiện cắt lá»—, nhiá»u nhà đầu tÆ° sẽ giữ và nuôi lệnh chỠđợi thá»i Ä‘iểm thị trÆ°á»ng đảo chiá»u và mang lại tÃn hiệu forex xanh. Lúc nà y, giao dịch của bạn sẽ sinh lãi.
  Tuy nhiên, trong trÆ°á»ng hợp thị trÆ°á»ng vẫn giữ nguyên xu hÆ°á»›ng và đi theo chiá»u hÆ°á»›ng ngược lại vá»›i dá»± Ä‘oán của bạn, nếu bạn vẫn cố chấp giữ lệnh và không đặt lệnh Stop Loss thì rất có thể bạn sẽ đánh mất luôn tất cả những gì còn lại trong tà i khoản.
  2.3 Nhồi lệnh
  Má»™t tâm lý thÆ°á»ng thấy ở các trader đó là không biết nhìn nháºn lá»—i sai và không dám chấp nháºn thua lá»—. ChÃnh tâm lý đó đã dẫn đến việc gồng lệnh và má»™t hà nh Ä‘á»™ng sai lầm khác đó là "nhồi lệnhâ€. Việc nhồi lệnh để bình quân giá ngược xu hÆ°á»›ng của thị trÆ°á»ng là má»™t việc là m nguy hiểm. Nó không thể giúp bạn thay đổi được tình hình mà ngược lại, sẽ rút ngắn con Ä‘Æ°á»ng bị cháy tà i khoản của bạn.
3.1 Tìm hiểu nguyên dân dẫn đến việc cháy tà i khoản Forex là gì
  Con Ä‘Æ°á»ng Ä‘i đến thà nh công không thể tránh khá»i những lần bị thất bại. Nguyên nhân dẫn đến việc cháy tà i khoản trong giao dịch Forex cÅ©ng rất nhiá»u. Hầu hết những ngÆ°á»i má»›i tham gia và o thị trÆ°á»ng nà y Ä‘á»u không dÆ°á»›i má»™t lần nếm trải trÆ°á»ng hợp đó. Thay vì tiếc nuối và tìm cách trả thù thị trÆ°á»ng, hãy tìm hiểu nguyên nhân dẫn đến sai lầm của bạn. Việc phát hiện và ghi nhá»› sai lầm rất quan trá»ng, giúp bạn tránh tái phạm lại cùng má»™t lá»—i trong những giao dịch tiếp theo.
  3.2 Chấp nháºn thua lá»—
  Thá»±c tế, việc bị mất tiá»n sẽ không tránh khá»i cảm giác tiếc nuối váºy nên trong quá trình giai dịch phải luôn chuẩn bị tâm lý, vì chúng ta không biết khi nà o tà i khoản forex bị cháy. Cách nhiá»u ngÆ°á»i hà nh Ä‘á»™ng ngay sau khi bị thua lá»— là má»™t trong những yếu tố góp phần quyết định sá»± thà nh bại cho những phiên giao dịch tiếp theo. Má»™t số ngÆ°á»i tìm cách trả thù thị trÆ°á»ng bằng cách nhồi lệnh hoặc gồng lá»— nhằm lấy lại những gì đã mất. Tuy nhiên, đây là điá»u rất khó xảy ra trong trÆ°á»ng hợp bạn Ä‘i ngược lại vá»›i xu hÆ°á»›ng thị trÆ°á»ng. Bạn không thể lấy lại những gì đã mất và tháºm chà có thể mất luôn những gì còn lại. Lúc nà y, thua lá»— sẽ tiếp tục chồng chất thua lá»—.
  TrÆ°á»›c khi bắt đầu giao dịch, bạn nên chuẩn bị tinh thần và má»™t khoản dá»± trữ để bù đắp cho những khoản thua lá»—. Má»—i khi thá»±c hiện mở má»™t lệnh má»›i, bạn nên táºp thói quen đặt lệnh dừng lá»— – chốt lá»i. Äiá»u nà y sẽ giúp bạn hạn chế được việc gồng lá»— dẫn đến việc cháy tà i khoản. Trong trÆ°á»ng hợp xảy ra thua lá»—, bạn cÅ©ng nên tháºt sá»± bình tÄ©nh và suy nghÄ© tÃch cá»±c hÆ¡n. Hãy xem thua lá»— là chi phà phải trả để bạn nháºn lấy má»™t bà i há»c. Quan trá»ng là bạn đã rút ra được kinh nghiệm gì và suy nghÄ© hÆ°á»›ng Ä‘i tiếp theo để có thể tìm kiếm được những cÆ¡ há»™i lá»›n hÆ¡n.
  3.3 Táºn dụng tà i khoản Demo
  Má»™t số ngÆ°á»i sẽ bá» qua tà i khoản Demo vì cho rằng cái nà y không quan trá»ng nhÆ°ng Ä‘iá»u nà y là sai lầm. TrÆ°á»›c khi giao dịch bằng tà i khoản tháºt, bạn nên đăng ký và giao dịch bằng tà i khoản demo. Việc sá» dụng tà i khoản Demo sẽ giúp bạn có thá»i gian trải nghiệm giao dịch và tÃch lÅ©y kinh nghiệm trÆ°á»›c khi giao dịch bằng tà i khoản tháºt. Hãy táºp chÆ¡i Forex cho đến khi tạo ra lợi nhuáºn liên tục và có lãi. Äợi đến lúc thá»i cÆ¡ chÃn muồi rồi bạn giao dịch bằng tà i khoản tháºt cÅ©ng chÆ°a muá»™n.
Bên cạnh đó, sau khi bạn bị cháy tà i khoản, bạn cÅ©ng có thể quay trở lại sá» dụng tà i khoản Demo. Äây là cÆ¡ há»™i giúp bạn sá»a chữa những lá»—i lầm của bạn. Khi bạn đã biết nguyên nhân và cách khắc phục được những sai lầm của mình, bạn sẽ mạnh mẽ hÆ¡n khi quay trở lại thị trÆ°á»ng tháºt.
Posted by: wisepowder at
09:05 AM
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  พวà¸à¹€à¸‚าเหล่านี้เป็นà¹à¸„่คนธรรมดาที่สนใจ Forex สิ่งที่น่าสนใจคืภวิธีà¸à¸²à¸£à¹„ปสู่ความสำเร็จขà¸à¸‡à¸žà¸§à¸à¹€à¸‚าà¹à¸—บไม่ต่างà¸à¸±à¸™ พวà¸à¹€à¸‚าเคยเป็นคนที่ไม่รู้มาà¸à¹ˆà¸à¸™ à¹à¸•à¹ˆà¸¡à¸¸à¹ˆà¸‡à¸¡à¸±à¹ˆà¸™à¸¨à¸¶à¸à¸©à¸²à¸«à¸²à¸„วามรู้ เทคนิค à¸à¸¥à¸¢à¸¸à¸—ธ์ ขà¸à¸‡ Forex นำมาวิเคาะห์ ปรับใช้ à¹à¸¥à¸°à¸à¸¶à¸à¸à¸™à¸ˆà¸™à¹€à¸Šà¸µà¹ˆà¸¢à¸§à¸Šà¸²à¸ ดีบ้าง พลาดบ้าง à¹à¸•à¹ˆà¸à¹‡à¸ªà¸¹à¹‰à¸ˆà¸™à¸›à¸£à¸°à¸ªà¸šà¸„วามสำเร็จ นี่ทำให้เห็นว่าความรู้ คืà¸à¸ªà¸´à¹ˆà¸‡à¸ªà¸³à¸„ัà¸à¸—ี่ทำให้เทรดเดà¸à¸£à¹Œ Forex คนนึงร่ำรวยได้ จริง ๆ ความรู้ Forex หาไม่ยาà¸à¹€à¸¥à¸¢ บนโลà¸à¸à¸à¸™à¹„ลน์มีเยà¸à¸°à¸¡à¸²à¸ โดยเฉพาะบนà¹à¸à¸› WikiFX นี่รวบรวมทุà¸à¸à¸¢à¹ˆà¸²à¸‡à¸—ี่เทรดเดà¸à¸£à¹Œà¸•à¹‰à¸à¸‡à¸£à¸¹à¹‰à¹„ว้à¹à¸¥à¹‰à¸§ à¸à¸¢à¸²à¸à¸¨à¸¶à¸à¸©à¸²à¹€à¸£à¸·à¹ˆà¸à¸‡ Forex โหลด
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Posted by: wisepowder at
08:47 AM
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Post contains 331 words, total size 33 kb.
  The precious metal caught some fresh bids on the first day of a new trading week and recovered further from two-week lows, around the $1,756 region touched last Thursday. This marked the first day of a positive move in the previous three trading sessions and was supported by a combination of factors.
  The US dollar struggled to capitalize on last week's goodish rebound from the lowest level since February 26 amid expectations that the Fed will keep interest rates low for a longer period. This, in turn, was seen as a key factor that extended some support to the dollar-denominated commodity.
  Meanwhile, the upside is likely to remain capped amid the underlying bullish sentiment in the financial markets, which tends to undermine the safe-haven XAU/USD. Investors might also refrain from placing aggressive bets ahead of the Fed Chair Jerome Powell's scheduled speech later this Monday.
  In the meantime, the release of the US ISM Manufacturing PMI might influence the USD price dynamics and provide some impetus to the XAU/USD during the early North American session. This makes it prudent to wait for some strong follow-through buying before positioning for any further appreciating move.
  From a technical perspective, any subsequent strength is likely to confront stiff resistance near the 100-day SMA, around the $1,786 region. This is followed by the recent swing highs, around the $1,796-98 region, which if cleared decisively should set the stage for additional gains in the near term.
Posted by: wisepowder at
08:38 AM
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Post contains 283 words, total size 2 kb.
  Crypto wallet provider MetaMask has alerted its users of a new phishing bot that attempts to steal their seed phrases.
  In a tweet published Monday, May 3, MetaMask warned users that the bot attempts to direct users to a purported "instant support†portal where they are prompted to enter information into a Google Docs form.
The form asks for the secret recovery phrase that can be used to respawn users crypto wallets. MetaMask stated that it does not have a Google Docs-based support system, urging users to seek support from the "Get Help†option within the MetaMask app itself to avoid being scammed.
  MetaMask also encourages users to report scams impersonating the wallet and its services, noting customers can do so in the app.
  Despite MetaMask warning its users of the phishing bot, some of its users appear to have already been scammed, with one Twitter user replying: "so there is no way to get back our token right ?â€
  Due to its popularity, MetaMask is one of the top targets for hackers and scammers. On April 27, the developer behind the wallet, ConsenSys, reported that it had hit a record five million active monthly users.
  Phishing attacks are a social engineering technique used by scammers to lure users into completing an action that reveals personal information or account details.
  In December 2020, MetaMask detailed a "rotten seed phrase attackâ€, in which a malicious website mimics the website of the wallet the user is trying to install. The fake website generates a seed phrase that enables the scammers to control the wallet once it has been installed.
  It is not just beginner users who may fall victim to phishing scams, with a hacker fooling Nexus Mutual founder Hugh Karp into transferring roughly 370,000 Nexus Mutual tokens (NXM) worth $8 million to a wallet under their control at the end of 2020.
  Ledger users have also been inundated with phishing attempts, with two major breaches of company servers resulting in the leaking of personal information including email addresses, phone numbers, and even physical addresses.
Posted by: wisepowder at
08:28 AM
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Post contains 382 words, total size 3 kb.
  While the Aussie central bank isnt expected to alter its monetary policy, making a non-event, comments from the Rate Statement will be the key to watch for AUD/USD traders.
  That said, recent fundamentals from Australia dwindle following a snap lockdown and mixed clues concerning Asia-Pacific markets, mainly due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). As a result, bears may look for cautious statements to retake controls amid sluggish markets ahead of the key Aussie event.
  Westpac follows market sentiment while saying,
  Our central view is that the RBA will maintain current policy settings. However, in recent times, the meetings which have been linked to the Statements on Monetary Policy have incorporated policy initiatives. While we expect that the announcement to extend yield curve control to the November 2024 bond will come at the August board meeting, this is the most likely initiative that could be brought forward to May.
  On the same line, FXStreets Valeria Bednarik said,
  Investors are hoping for an upward review in the overall outlook, but also for policymakers to retain a certain cautious stance, and repeat that they are ready to add quantitative easing if its needed. For sure, the latest data suggest that Australian central bankers could be much more confident on what's next for the local economy. Still, no fireworks are to be expected.
How could the RBA decision affect AUD/USD?
  AUD/USD remains mildly offered, snapping the previous day‘s recovery moves, ahead of the RBA. While the consolidation in the market sentiment and downbeat Australia trade numbers for March could be traced to the pair’s latest weakness, hopes of sober comments from the RBA policymakers, amid sluggish inflation, seem to weigh on AUD/USD as well.
  Looking forward, a postponement in the future bond purchase actions is something that could shake AUD/USD. Also in the same line could be sustained support for easy money policies. Alternatively, the RBA is likely to be a non-event and may keep the Aussie pair heavy around mid-0.7700s.
Posted by: wisepowder at
08:19 AM
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Post contains 376 words, total size 3 kb.
Man City's 2021/22 Puma home kit 'leaked' including Sergio Aguero tribute
Manchester City's home kit for the 2021/22 season has 'leaked' online and shows a tribute to the 2011/12 season, where Sergio Aguero's last-gasp winner against Queens Park Rangers secured the club's first Premier League title.Get more news about soccer jersey wholesale,you can vist futbolucl!
City celebrate a decade since that iconic moment next year, although Aguero will not be part of the side that may take to the field in the new shirt as he will leave at the end of the season.
While there has been some speculation about City's shirt sponsorship deal with Etihad coming to an end, the same sponsor is present on the leaked images.Designed by Puma, the kit combines a sky blue base with a white trim, formed by side panels, as well as on the club's logos.
The inside collar houses the most striking feature, showing 93:20 in reference to the minutes and seconds that were on the clock when Aguero fired home against QPR to clinch the title in the most dramatic circumstances - snatching the crown from rivals Manchester United.A subtle pattern is present across the shirt, taken from the scoreboard font style from the inside collar, is displayed and will reportedly also be used for City's fourth kit next year.
As usual, these are all rumours for now and fans will have to wait for the official unveiling to see the confirmed styles for next year.
Posted by: wisepowder at
08:06 AM
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Post contains 257 words, total size 2 kb.
Nike introduces new French football kit
This is a significant moment for Nike Football and we are proud to be the official partner of the French Federation and to be part of the future of French football", said Mark Parker, Nike’s President and CEO.Get more news about Soccer Jersey Online,you can vist futbolucl!
The kit’s lightweight design features Nike Dri-FIT technology and engineered ventilation systems to help keep players cool perform at their best, coupled with ergonomic fit and soft cotton feel for comfort.
France Coach Laurent Blanc commented: "The true collar, the new blue and the addition of the red really enhance the new kit. It goes well with the philosophy I want to create: creativity, humbleness and ambition."
One detail of the new France kit is the message 'Nos Differences Nous Unissent' (our differences unite us) printed behind the FFF badge over the players' hearts.
This will also be Nike's most environmentally sustainable kit to date, with shirt and shorts made from a microfibre polyester derived entirely from recycled plastic bottles. For the shirt, this material is combined with organic cotton (96% recycled polyester, 4% organic cotton)In addition to the on-pitch kit, Nike also unveiled a broader range of FFF-branded Nike Sportswear products designed for fans off the field of play.
The new France kit will be worn for the first time in the game against Brazil at Stade de France on 9th February. The new kit and the Nike Sportswear FFF product will be available at retail from 5th February.
Posted by: wisepowder at
07:09 AM
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What is Precision Metal Stamping?
This process utilizes machinery fitted with dies in order to transform sheet metal into custom shapes at incredibly tight tolerances. The manufacturer may even be able to complete the piece with a single stroke of the press, which is known as a single-stage operation. More complex pieces may require multiple strokes, which is referred to as a series operation. Precision metal stamping is flexible and adaptable, and is particularly beneficial for high-volume manufacturing.To get more news about metal stamping manufacturers, you can visit official website.
immense level of precision, even for complex parts, is what sets this
process apart from similar machining options. Precision metal stamping
machinery enables manufacturers to perform microstamping, crafting
complex minuscule parts where even the smallest error could render the
final product ineffective. The accuracy and efficiency of precision
metal stamping in crafting these parts has created a high demand in
industries ranging from automotive to aerospace.
Projects using
precision metal stamping will typically begin with computer modeling,
virtually simulating the stamping process to check for errors or
defects. Once this testing is complete, the computer will send the
design straight to the machinery in an efficient process that reduces
the chances of human error.
Posted by: wisepowder at
06:55 AM
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Post contains 211 words, total size 2 kb.
Looking to replace your worn-out wheels, upgrade the basic hoops on your bike, or save your posh rims from taking a beating this winter? Priced under or around £300, these moderately priced non-disc wheels are happy to be all things to all riders.To get more news about Mountain Wheels, you can visit official website.
With a huge effect on the performance of your bike, a phenomenal amount of research and design is poured into top-end wheels. Happily, plenty of this has now trickled down to more attainable price points.
This means features riders on a budget would have had to forgo just a few years back are now commonplace. These include weights as low as 1,500g per pair, tubeless compatibility, sealed cartridge bearings, and even wide, aerodynamic rims. A moderately cheap alloy wheelset that should possess more than modest climbing capabilities. Weighing in at an uncommonly light 1,479g, Hunt’s Race Aero Wheelset nevertheless manages to include wide rims to support broad tyres. At the same time, the rims’ 27mm deep profile means they probably still offer some aerodynamic benefit versus shallower alternatives.
Either way, with 18 straight-pull spokes at the front and 24 on the rear, these combine with a four-pawl hub in an attempt to offer quick engagement and good acceleration.
Arriving with spare spokes, along with Hunt’s excellent alloy and brass cam-plate actuated quick-release levers, the whole package is backed by solid customer service from the Sussex-based firm.
There’s also the option to have your wheels pre-fitted with a choice of tubeless tyres to take the hassle out of setting them up yourself.Not super light but not super heavy, the Fulcrums invest their mass wisely. For one, their broad rims fit with modern aero trends and lend tyres a pleasingly bulbous profile, which should increase grip and comfort. They have an asymmetric rear rim that’s designed to increase lateral and torsional rigidity, and they’re also great looking.
Giving away a few grams compared to some pricier wheels, the Fulcrum Racing 6 wheelset is nevertheless unlikely to cause trouble down the line when it comes to servicing.
Well-thought-out, these wheels easily outperform their budget pricepoint and are a good bet for long-term durability – assuming you’re happy to do without any form of tubeless compatibility. Designed for year-round use in British conditions, Scribe’s 365 wheelset aims to balance durability with racy performance. To achieve this it employs high-fatigue alloy rims which should resist being eaten up by your brake pads.
At 26mm deep, these rims also possess a 19mm internal width meaning they’re happy being paired with wider tyres. Despite the emphasis on durability, weight is decent at 1,574g. This is thanks partly to a moderate spoke count of 24 front and 28 back. These Sapim-made parts are then held in place by corrosion-resistant brass nipples.
Keeping the weather out of the wheel’s internal parts, the hubs’ contact sealed bearings are filled with uprated grease for longer service life. Arriving pre-taped and with a full spares kit, Scribe also offers a complimentary tyre-fitting service for stress-free tubeless set-up.
Posted by: wisepowder at
06:42 AM
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Post contains 515 words, total size 4 kb.
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